Hoopers is a fantastic dog sport which helps build confidence, improves focus and handling skills and helps to build better relationships between dog and handlers!
A low-impact sport and inclusive - fun for you and your dog whether you walk or run, Hoopers allows you to develop skills at your pace too. We work with the partnership in front of us, tailoring the training to you and your dog.
The groups are small (max 6 dogs) and the training is great fun. You will also meet and train with like minded people, keen to have a great time with their dogs.
Non workings dogs will be crated inside the dog barn or wait outside to allow each dog to succeed without owners worrying about other dogs.
1 and 1/2 hour sessions starting on 17th April.
£10 per class payable in advance.
First session free.
Thereafter sessions booked in advance in 4 week batches.
info@btactrainingandagility.com or Kirsty on 07824158912
To book please visit https://buytickets.at/btacdogtraining/1244266
Free first session for new hoopers clients:
To book free session please go to https://buytickets.at/btacdogtraining/1244309